Magic Performer
Magic becomes comedy, laughing becomes the order of the day.
The true protagonist of the show is the audience that actively interacts with the magician...
Magic becomes comedy, laughing becomes the order of the day.
The true protagonist of the show is the audience that actively interacts with the magician...
Magic tricks that work and others that don’t. Mysterious and coloured objects come to life in the hands of Diditì the magician, who is sometimes good and sometimes clumsy ...
CONTINUEAs Confucius used to say:
“Choose the work you love and you will
never work a single day of your life.”
I was six years old when I saw a magician for the first time.
I can still recall my emotion and how surprised I was for the mystery of magic before me.
I remember saying to myself: “When I grow up, I will be a magician”. And that’s exactly what happened.
Nowadays, when I’m on stage – in a theatre or on a street, at clubs or at a party – the emotion of the very first time comes back and I always try to convey it to my audience.....
Ronald McDonald has one mission only: to make children, people who have forgotten how to, or people who can’t, smile and laugh.
"Every morning the world is a white sheet that is waiting for children attracted by its whiteness to fill it with color"
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
“The world might be or not be without a purpose but it is not without some kind of magic.”
Eileen Atkins